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Discover the unique blend of culture, cuisine, and natural curiosities that make South Tyrol one of Italy’s must-see regions.


Alta Badia
The Lagazuoi Tunnels
Alpe di Siusi
Wine Street


Exploring the sublime landscape
Tasting the local cuisine and culinary delights
Sampling the exquisite wines of the Dolomites
Experiencing the noble lifestyle with a 3-night stay in a castle


8-day itinerary with 7-nights’ accommodation in 4* hotels

DAY 1 – Alta Badia

Check-in to your Alpine-style hotel deep in the heart of the Dolomites. The day is yours to spend relaxing and soaking in the welcoming atmosphere, or exploring the immediate surroundings of the sublime landscape. Dinner is served at your hotel.

DAY 2 – Alta Badia

Meet your private, mountaineering guide at the hotel and set out for a day of outdoor exploration around the peaks of Alta Badia. You can choose the level of difficulty: from a smooth hike to a more challenging climb.
Take a lunch break in one of the area’s rustic cabins for a delicious selection of local dishes. Whatever your preferences or dietary requirements are, your guide will choose where to eat accordingly.

Alta Badia in the Dolomites

DAY 3 – The Lagazuoi Tunnels

A private taxi picks you up from your accommodation and drives you through the mountains to Passo Falzarego. Starting at an altitude of 2700 meters, embark along the via ferrata–a protected climbing route–which takes you through tunnels built by the Italian and Austro-Hungarian forces during the World War I.
Lunch is served in a local, rustic cabin after which you return to your hotel to wind down in its spa. In the evening, a private taxi picks you up and drives you the short distance to a traditional and historic canteen in the heart of the Dolomites.
Boasting almost 1900 wines to choose from, the canteen’s owner will introduce you to a special selection of completely natural biodynamic wines, guiding you through their origins as you sample them. A range of local delicacies accompanies your tasting.

DAY 4 – Alpe di Suisi

After you check out of your hotel, your private taxi will drive you over the Passo Gardena, offering stunning views over the Dolomites and Val Gardena. Once at the town of Ortisei, you take a lift to the Alpe di Suisi Plateau–renowned across the region for its breathtaking panoramic.
From here, your guide will accompany you on a hike to the nearby Gostner Schwaige restaurant: a small hut at an altitude of 1930 meters where the food embodies the “fresh and natural” maxim of its young celebrity chef Franz Mulser.
Upon reaching the other side of the plateau, meet your private shuttle which takes you to the regional capital of Bolzano. Tour the city and explore its characterful shops before heading to the famous “Wine Street”.
Your accommodation for the next three days is a castle overlooking both Bolzano and the vineyards of this street. Before dinner at the castle, take the chance to enjoy an aperitivo, sampling some of the city’s regionally- renowned produce.

Landscape of Alpe di Suisi
Wine Street in South Tyrol

DAY 5 – Wine Street

If the previous day offered only a taste of South Tyrol’s viticultural delights, today’s itinerary lets you indulge yourself fully. Soak in the sublime scenery of the area’s lakes, castles, mountain ranges and quaint villages as you tour the Win Street’s vineyards with your private guide and private shuttle.
In the afternoon, wind down at the castle’s outdoor pool–awarded Pool of the Year for 2019. Dinner is served at a restaurant overlooking cerulean waters of Lake Caldaro.

DAY 6 – Merano

Your final day’s itinerary immerses you in the cool, vibrant culture of the thermal town of Merano. Enjoy a walking tour of the town’s lush parks and medieval arcades, stopping off for some shopping as the moment takes you.
The tour takes you to Castel Rametz: a fortification that now functions as a winery and reputed restaurant. Experience a tour through the win canteen, stimulate your senses in a private wine-tasting, and nourish yourself with knowledge in its museum. At the end of the tour, take a seat for a delicious traditional lunch.
En route to the hotel, you’ll stop off for a grappa-tasting at Villa Laviosa. Widely diffused throughout Italy, this famous digestif is best enjoyed here where particular care is given to its production and ingredients. Your final day finished back at the castle where you can soak up the night’s ambiance over a traditional aperitivo and lingering dinner.

The town of Merano

For more information or to reserve this experience, contact us via the methods below.

OFFICE PH. (+39) 06 9451 6240